In many cases, a revocable living trust is as important a component of estate planning as a will. Trusts come in many forms and provide a great deal of flexibility to achieve sophisticated and unique goals.
At the law office of Samuel J. Owen, P.C., we have implemented revocable trusts routinely, since 1970. With decades of experience incorporating trusts into our clients' estate plans, we are familiar with all the techniques available to make the process smooth for our clients and their beneficiaries.
The Many Forms Of Trusts
There are many forms of trusts:
- Revocable trusts
- Irrevocable trusts
- Credit shelter, marital deduction and qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trusts
- Multi-generational or generation‑skipping trusts (GST)
- Split interest trusts and retained interest trusts
- Irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILIT)
- Special needs trusts
- Charitable trusts
This list encompasses the most frequently used trusts. Your estate and your goals will be carefully reviewed by our lawyers. The recommendations we provide will be customized based on your assets and your needs.
Trusts For Adult Children
People are often hesitant about creating trusts to regulate the flow of money to an adult child. The reason is simple: The money is yours, not theirs. You have the right to make certain it is not spent inappropriately or taken away by creditors. These are just some of the many goals that trusts can accomplish.
Talk To Our Skilled Trusts Lawyers Today
In all estate planning matters, we provide quotes and estimates at the initial meeting so there will be no surprises about the fees involved in achieving your goals. To learn more about how we can help you, call us at 303-271-0222 or send us an email.